Laser Dentistry - Chesapeake, VA

A Light Approach to Dentistry

Modern Dentistry is Minimally Invasive Dentistry

Dentistry is always evolving and so should your dentist. We implement the latest dental technology whenever possible to make your results more effective and your treatments more enjoyable. That’s why we have the Wand® Anesthesia that can target just one tooth for local anesthetic, or our an in-house cone beam CT scanner that offers 3D imaging in just seconds. What our patients prefer the most, though, are our two dental lasers. Our CO2 laser and Erbium laser allow us to provide minimally invasive alternatives to hard and soft tissue treatments. Whenever possible, we replace drills and scalpels with precise laser light. Come experience the difference laser dentistry in Chesapeake and Virginia Beach, VA provides!

The Advantages of Laser Technology

Our Select Laser Treatments

dental patient with gum disease

Laser Gum Disease Treatment

We frequently implement our dental lasers into our gum disease treatment plans. Among numerous other benefits, the addition of our laser technology makes your treatment more efficient as well as more effective. We’re even frequently able to treat a larger area in one visit, limiting the number of appointments it takes to restore proper oral health. Targeting disease-causing bacteria while leaving healthy tissue unharmed, laser gum disease therapy allows us to forget about scalpels and sutures and offer you gum disease treatment that exceeds expectations.

gum recession graphic

Peri-Implantitis Treatment

Similar to gum disease, when tissue around a dental implant becomes infected, it can lead to receding gums, bone loss, and in some cases, a failing dental implant. This condition is called peri-implantitis. In order to save your implant, we offer laser peri-implantitis treatment. Using precise laser light, we’re able to remove diseased tissue and reseal the area from future infection.

dental patient undergoing laser procedure

Laser Frenectomy

Your frenula are the small pieces of tissue that hold your upper lip to your gums and your tongue to the bottom of your mouth. Tongue- and lip-ties occur when this tissue is too restrictive limiting proper function. A laser frenectomy gently releases this tissue without the need for scalpels or sutures. You, or your child, will be able to eat and speak easier and in some cases, this treatment can also help us close a gap between your two front teeth.

Forget Scalpels.

Feel the difference modern, minimally invasive care offers.


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